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A Quick Peek into Corporate Insolvency



The Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“Act”) serves as the cornerstone of Australian corporate insolvency law, establishing the framework for insolvency proceedings. Within this legislative framework, various mechanisms such as voluntary administration, liquidation, and receivership are delineated, each playing a unique role in resolving financial distress.


This article aims to briefly illuminate the legal position in insolvency as applicable in Australia.


Key Things to Note:


1. Voidable Transactions:

Certain transactions entered into by an insolvent company before insolvency may be deemed voidable. Creditors or liquidators can initiate legal proceedings to set aside transactions detrimental to creditors' interests. Voidable transactions include unfair preferences, uncommercial transactions, and unreasonable director-related transactions, among others.


2. Preference Payments and Unfair Preferences:

The Act empowers liquidators to address the issue of unfair preference payments made to creditors, typically within 6 months before the company's insolvency. This mechanism aims to prevent certain creditors from gaining preferential treatment, ensuring a fair and equitable distribution of assets during insolvency.


3. Director's Duties and Personal Liability:

Directors, as fiduciaries, bear significant responsibilities in the solvency and governance of companies. Breaching these duties can result in personal liability, emphasizing the need for a deep understanding of and adherence to these obligations. Directors must be aware of their duty to prevent insolvent trading, which can lead to personal liability for debts incurred by the company if breached.


4. Secured Transactions and PPSA Compliance:

The Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (“PPSA”) establishes a framework for registering security interests in movable property. The PPSA is instrumental for businesses aiming to protect their security interests effectively. By registering their security interest in the Personal Property Security Register (PPSR), businesses can safeguard themselves in the event of a debtor's insolvency, allowing the realization of their secured interest.


5. Cross-Border Insolvency Issues:

With the globalization of businesses, cross-border insolvency issues can add complexity to proceedings. Navigating the intricacies of domestic and international laws demands specialized expertise to ensure a seamless resolution. Applying insolvency laws across jurisdictions requires careful consideration to uphold the rights of all stakeholders involved. However, established mechanisms exist to address cross-border insolvency.


This article provides a general and selective overview of corporate insolvency in Australia and is not intended as legal advice. ​For legal advice or representation, please feel free to contact us.​


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